This is a picture of me when I played Dracula at the Greenville Little Theatre last year. I relished playing the older, creeper version of Dracula pictured here. My first real connection with Woodmont students was when a few hundred of them came to our final dress rehearsal. That will always be one of my favorite Woodmont memories. In this picture, I'm wearing contacts that turn the irises in your eyes white. It's very frightening and can be seen easily from the audience. This is how I see Banquo's ghost in the banquet scene (except with a lot more blood). John King, a junior and one of my favorite students, is playing Banquo and will have platinum blonde hair and hopefully these "Dracuhler eyes". I know I keep talking about costumes and wigs, but I am naturally drawn to the visual with my art background. What do yall think about this? What could make Banquo even more frightening in the banquet scene?
Hmm...when Banquo gets killed, does the murderers slit his throat, or something? If so, he should have like a gash on his neck when he comes back as a ghost, and have like a whole bunch of blood coming out of the gash.
Just a suggestion. Hah. I got that inspiration from a Cannibal Corpse music video.
Good idea. One problem we'll have is time. Can John get on all this cool stuff in the amount of time he's given? Slit throats are always disturbing.
Your absolutly right. Time is an issue most of the time.
But...lets use your motto, Mr. Ragland:
"We'll figure it out". Haha
Yea I have been training to put contacts in and stuff, and I think we would have time to but the gashes and slits on my head and throat, I want to look as scary as I could because in a way Banquo is the most scariest charater in Macbeth *just depending on how the Wierd sisters are seen but in our rendering they are more pleasing to the eye, more than anyone else. So to make me more scaryer I think we should put on the gashes and slits like Matt said.* Anything to make the most scariest charater scaryer =D
Oooooo, I love these eyes, sorta remind me of manson's left eye! And that would be horribly scary if John had all that stuff on [with the slits and the blood]. Poor little kids that are attending the show are going to be scared out of their wits.
Terrified children would make me smile, though.
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