ONLY THREE EVENING PERFORMANCES LEFT! Tell all your friends and family to come see our show this weekend. Call em, text em, myspace em - whatever you need to do to get butts in seats. If we want to keep producing plays at this level, we've got to get people to show up! You all deserve a packed house for starring in the best dang high school play EVER.
These shows have been amazing.
I miss them already.
Well..you all had an amazing run and impressed a WHOLE LOT of people! You all came together and worked as a team and it showed..each show got better and better! I couldn't be more proud of my backstage crew. These 7 folks pulled off an incredible feat and I am proud to have had them on board. CONGRATS TO ALL!
I've never seen so many students get into Shakespeare! Thanks to all of the Wildcat Players for bringing this old play to life and inspiring us to revisit other classic Shakespeare plays!
So many times I've been stopped by teachers, administrators, and even associate superintendents to tell me how wonderful this play was and what great actors we have.
Go Blue!
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