Sunday, December 21, 2008

Alice Opens

Our Drama 1 students are working hard on our class production of Alice in Wonderland. This is a one act BLACK LIGHT show and promises to be visually stimulating and entertaining. We've got 3 great performances coming up on Jan 8, 9, and 10 at 7pm and the cost will be only $3. This is a very ambitious project for a Drama 1 class and I am very grateful to the students who have gone above and beyond the short class time we have to help make this show a reality. Our concept for the show is based on the idea of a "psychodelic mad house" and will feature sound effects, puppets, and a variety of strange comedic characters. Don't miss this unique ALICE.

Monday, December 15, 2008

What Motivates You?

Here's a question to all the students I've worked with so far this year: What motivates you? I'm continually trying to learn about what appeals to you to make you want to work. Most of you spend numerous hours a day being entertained by video games, ipods, chronic texting, and internet networks. You probably spend the majority of your waking hours engaged in one or all of these things. This is your top priority. What would it take to make SCHOOL your top priority? How would SCHOOL have to change to get your attention? I must admit that I never enjoyed being a student until I entered grad school this past summer. I could go on and on about the things I hated about my "schooling". What would have to happen to make YOUR education the most important thing about your life? Seriously, what would it take? I am trying to mount a really cool play for my Drama 1 class right now and only a handful of the students in the class are committed to it. Even my Wildcat Players in the class don't seem to care about it. They'd rather play video games. I just don't understand it. What has to happen to make you want to CARE about this as much as I do? I REALLY want to know.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Three of our Wildcat Players have been cast in a show called The Reluctant Dragon, which will be produced by the SC Children's Theatre and will be performed in the Gunter Theatre at the Peace Center in February. Way to go! I am so very proud of you! ASHLEY PITTMAN and her brother ALEX are playing Townspeople, MALORIE CUNNINGHAM is playing Morpeth, and WESLEY BOOKER is playing St. George. If you see these guys in the hall, give them a high five. They deserve it! SC Children's Theatre is where I started long ago when I was in high school, so I am especially proud of your accomplishment. We will definitely get a group together to come see it. (Maybe even more than once.) Well done!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Spectacular

Alright, kids, if you'd like to see your teacher in a show, now's your chance. This is a Christmas variety show and I sing some Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, wear some hair, and dance a little. It's a fun show full of some of Greenville's busiest local actors. Come on out and see it if you're interested. It opens next Friday.